Sup, iam Betty Byrne, I hope your day goes well.

What Does Ug Mean In Slang? [Solved]

UG most commonly means “Ugly.” UG can be used with regard to a person, a place or a situation, which is deemed to be unattractive, unsightly or dangerous. Although less common, UG can also mean “underground,” which describes something as secretive. For example: I heard Rick’s party was UG.

5 Hand Signs You Didn’t Know The Real Meaning Of

Narrated by: Darren Marlar Music: Darkest Child - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under …

Slang in English - SCREW “You really SCREWED this up!” To sound like a native speaker, you have to use the language of a native …

South African Slang is Lekka

Missing or visiting South Africa? Here is some of our