Sup, iam Rachel Garcia, May your day be joyful.

What Fruit Has The Most Voltage? [Solved]

The highest voltage from a fruit battery is 2,307.8 volts, achieved by Saiful Islam (UK) and Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) in Manchester, UK, on 15 October 2021. The battery was made up of 2,923 lemons and delivered a current of 0.84 milliAmps and a power of 1.94 Watts.15 Oct 2021

What FRUIT Produces the Most Electricity?! Eggplant, Tomato, Apple, Lemon?! Banana?

MORE ENERGY! Okay, to make a point, the

What fruits has more Volts of electricity?

What fruits has

Sultan 2nd grade science project. What foods produce the most electricity/voltage?

Sultan makes and tests Lemon(Citus), Apple(Sugar) and Potato battery to see which