Sup, iam Gregorio Chavez, Have a happy day.

What Happens If A Jehovah Witness Gets Divorced? [Solved]

A person who chooses to divorce without Scriptural grounds is not free to remarry. According to the religion, the Bible encourages married couples to stay together even under less than ideal circumstances. Many problems can be resolved by praying earnestly, applying Bible principles, and showing love.31 Mar 2021

Getting Divorced as a Jehovah’s Witness (disfellowshipping)

Sabrina Victoria is back with another version of Her Version Podcast. Hello and welcome to today’s episode of Her Version.

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Un-Scriptural Divorce

Why do the Elders and the ORG feel they must control every part of your personal life?

How Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Feel About Divorce?

How do