Namaste, iam Alex King, Have a happy day.

What Happens If You Are Too Mentally Ill To Work? [Solved]

Check with the mental health agency where you receive mental health services. Your state may offer several different ways to find employment, including: Vocational rehabilitation (rehab) services. Rehab services help a person with a serious mental health condition or disability find and keep a job.17 Feb 2021

Workplace Mental Health - all you need to know (for now) | Tom Oxley | TEDxNorwichED

Is Mental Health important​ in the workplace? Tom explores all things related to workplace mental health, including mental health …

How To Cope When Mental Illness Shuts Down Our Minds

Mental illness affects almost every aspect of our cognition, from threat-perception to decision-making. We must learn to be …

10 Mental Illness Signs You Should Not Ignore

Mental illness, also known as mental health disorders, refers to a wide range of mental health problems that affect your mood, …