Greetings, iam Janet Calabrese, Have a good day!

What Hebrew Month Are We? [Solved]

In 2021, we are in year 5781 of the Jewish calendar (September 19, 2020 - September 6, 2021), and in September the calendar enters the year 5782 (September 6, 2021 -May 19, 2022) .Months in the Jewish Calendar.Jewish CalendarGregorian CalendarAdar (29 days or 30 days on a leap year)February-March12 more rows

The Hebrew Calendar (Documentary)

Other essential materials you’ll need to view, read, or download to complete this experience: VIDEOS The Pure Convocations: …

Secrets of Tishrei | The Hebrew Month of New Beginnings

Tishrei is the

The Mighty Hebrew Agree With Sa Neter Stance When It Comes To The Bible.$Sanetertv …