Greetings, iam Richard Johnson, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

What Ingredient Does Snape Ask You To Retrieve? [Solved]

During the 1984–1985 school year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Merula Snyde sent Jacob’s sibling a faked letter supposedly from Professor Snape, asking them to retrieve some pickled slugs from the Potions Storeroom for him so he could reinstate house points he had previously taken away from them, in

Snape Makes Fun Of Harry Potter (Philosopher’s Stone)


Professor Snape ASMR (Advanced Potions Class) | Harry Potter ASMR

asmr #harrypotterasmr #

الحلقة 101 من التصميم باستخدام سوليد ووركس Sketch Snaps and Quick Snaps

استكمالا لحلقات التصميم باستخدام سوليد ووركس في هذه الحلقة سنتعرف على لقطات الرسم واللقطات السريعة واهميتها في الرسم وكيفية …