Hola, iam William Flores, Have a splendid day!

What Is A Fever In Fahrenheit? [Solved]

It’s a sign of your body’s natural fight against infection. For adults, a fever is when your temperature is higher than 100.4°F. For kids, a fever is when their temperature is higher than 100.4°F (measured rectally); 99.5°F (measured orally); or 99°F (measured under the arm).31 Dec 2019

At what temperature do you have a fever?

An 11Alive viewer reached out to the Verify team to find out at which

What is a Fever? And the 98.6 degree myth.

A discussion of the origin of the myth that normal body

#Vital #Sign - #TEMPERATURE ! Types of Fever ! #fahrenheit #celcius

This is the video lecture about Normal body