Hola, iam John Gouty, So long!

What Is A Whole Note In 12 8 Time? [Solved]

It depends on the meter. In 2/2 meter (alla breve) the whole note is still four quarter notes, but only two beats since a beat then is a half note. Conversely, in 12/8 meter, a whole note would be 8 beats long but rarely written as such: it would be more common to tie two half notes.2 Feb 2017

Understanding 12/8 Time Signature — Music Theory for the Rest of Us!

For this third installment on my series on

Understanding 6/8 9/8 and 12/8 (Compound) Time Signatures

In this lesson, I am going to explain the concepts behind understanding 6/

Time Signature 12/8 with rhythm of quarter notes and eighth notes alternating (Compound Time)

HD version of the video for wikipedia …