Hola, iam Joan Maddox, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

What Is An Ideal Emf Device? [Solved]

An ideal emf device is one that lacks any internal resistance. The potential difference between its terminals is. equal to the emf. A real emf device has internal resistance. The potential difference between its terminals is equal to the emf only if there is no current through the device.

E&M Course 5-7: Ideal vs Real emf

The last thing that I’ll talk about before getting into DC circuits with capacitors is this idea of an

Voltage or Potential difference vs EMF | Easiest Explanation | TheElectricalGuy

In this video we’ll learn about the difference between voltage or potential difference and

Electromotive Force of a Battery, Internal Resistance and Terminal Voltage

This physics video tutorial provides a basic introduction into the